About Us
McKell "Kelly" Sanderson handcrafts unique pieces of beautiful jewelry from his home studio in Utah. He is meticulous about the detail and quality of every piece he creates. Kelly has been married to his wife and high school sweetheart, Jelynn, for over 40 years. Together they have five kids, and 16 grandkids.
Kelly began creating custom jewelry more than a decade ago. He loves southwest style jewelry and finds so much joy in the creative process. He loves taking a rough stone, envisioning a beautiful piece, and bringing that piece to life. One his greatest pleasures is when that stone turns out even better than he could had envisioned.
Kelly’s work is unique in that he handles every step of the process. The rock hounding, lapidary work, and silversmithing are all done by Kelly. When you get a piece from Kelly Silver Co. it will be one of a kind, handmade, and created to last. Kelly always says his favorite piece of jewelry is his most recent project so we hope you enjoy wearing and showing off Kelly’s favorite piece.